Canoe Safari in Tanzania

Explore these beautiful Canoe Safari in Tanzania.

Canoe Safari in Tanzania: A unique perspective on Tanzanian wildlife and landscape

Are you an adventurer at heart seeking to experience Tanzania’s wildlife in a unique and intimate way? Look no further than a canoe safari with The Hidden Tanzania. Tanzania’s waterways are teeming with life and a canoe safari offers a chance to get up close to the incredible biodiversity that calls these rivers and lakes home. We will take you on a journey through the beauty of canoe safari in Tanzania with The Hidden Tanzania.

The Allure of Canoe Safari

A canoe safari is a remarkable way to connect with nature and observe wildlife without disturbing their natural behaviours. The gentle glide of a canoe on the water allows for quiet and unobtrusive viewing, offering a perspective that is simply impossible from land. The Hidden Tanzania specializes in crafting extraordinary canoe safari experiences, providing you with an opportunity to explore Tanzania’s water-based ecosystems and encounter the diverse creatures that inhabit them.

The Hidden Tanzania: Your Canoe Safari Experts

The Hidden Tanzania’s commitment to providing exceptional safari experiences extends to their canoe safaris. Their team of experienced guides are not only well-versed in the art of canoeing but also possess a deep understanding of the local ecosystems. With safety as a top priority, you can rest assured that your canoe safari will be guided by professionals who prioritize both your enjoyment and the conservation of these delicate environments.

Itinerary Designed for Nature Enthusiasts

A canoe safari with The Hidden Tanzania is carefully crafted to offer an immersive and educational experience. From serene lakes to meandering rivers, each destination is chosen to showcase the rich biodiversity of Tanzania’s waterways. Your journey may take you through lush wetlands, past towering reeds and even alongside basking hippos and bathing elephants.

Canoe Safari Hotspots: Where Adventure Begins

  1. Lake Manyara: Glide along the tranquil waters of Lake Manyara, where you can spot flamingos wading in the shallows and diverse birdlife perched on the lakeside vegetation.
  2. Selous Game Reserve: The Rufiji River flows through Selous, providing a unique vantage point to observe crocodiles sunning themselves on sandbanks and elephants coming to drink.
  3. Arusha National Park: Canoeing on Momella Lakes allows you to admire the resident pink-hued flamingos and the majestic backdrop of Mount Kilimanjaro.
  4. Ruaha National Park: Navigate the Great Ruaha River, encountering grunting hippos and elephants crossing the river to reach their feeding grounds.
  5. Lake Natron: Witness the spectacle of thousands of flamingos creating a sea of pink as they congregate along the lake’s edge.

Conservation and Eco-Tourism

The Hidden Tanzania is deeply committed to the preservation of Tanzania’s natural beauty. By choosing their canoe safaris, you actively support sustainable tourism practices and contribute to the well-being of the ecosystems you explore. These safaris also provide opportunities for local communities to benefit from eco-tourism, ensuring that the conservation efforts are aligned with the prosperity of the people.

Embarking on a canoe safari in Tanzania with The Hidden Tanzania is an immersive way to connect with the natural world and witness wildlife in their element. With expert guides, thoughtfully designed itineraries, and a commitment to conservation, your canoe safari promises not only adventure but also a deep appreciation for the delicate ecosystems that make Tanzania a true gem of biodiversity.


Is canoeing experience required for a canoe safari?

No prior canoeing experience is necessary. The Hidden Tanzania’s guides provide thorough instructions and ensure your safety throughout the journey.

What types of animals can be spotted during a canoe safari?

Depending on the location, you can expect to see a variety of animals, including elephants, hippos, crocodiles, various bird species and many more.

How close do the canoes get to the wildlife?

The canoes maintain a respectful distance from the animals to ensure their safety and comfort. However, the quiet approach often allows for close and intimate observations.

What is the best time for a canoe safari?

The dry season (June to October) is generally the best time for canoe safaris, as water levels are lower and wildlife congregates around water sources.

Are canoe safaris safe?

Absolutely. The Hidden Tanzania’s experienced guides prioritize safety and provide thorough instructions to ensure a secure and enjoyable experience.

What should I bring on a canoe safari?

Pack essentials such as a hat, sunscreen, insect repellent, a camera, binoculars and comfortable clothing that can get wet.


Ready to plan your dream trip to Tanzania?

We’ve helped thousands of travellers tick off their Tanzania bucket lists and stay on budget without the stress of trying to plan everything alone. Contact us about your Tanzania wish list today, and let’s curate your ultimate safari and trekking adventure!

Have any questions? Contact us!

+255 762 906535

Mon - Sat: 08:00 AM – 5:00 PM

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